Surrender in Moonlight Page 2
Not bailing her out wasn’t an option.
She smiled and fluffed her hair out behind her. “What took you so long? I was beginning to think you’d forgotten all about me.”
She was rumpled, but still had that tight edge of sex about her. “Forget you? I think not. Come on, Darlin’. We’re wasting moonlight.”
“Sure, I’d rather not linger here, anyway.” She rubbed at the cuff marks on her wrists.
He winked at the officer and directed her towards the precinct’s double doors and out into the night. They walked to the parking lot towards a very flashy R32 Volkswagen.
“I’m taking you back to the compound,” he said as he opened his door. “But first, I think we need to talk.”
“Compound?” She shook her head, her eyes a little wide. “Hell no. I’m not going there. I’m trespassing, remember? What about the hotel…the Rosco, was it? Surely that’s a little more apt.”
“I checked out the presidential suite. It’s booked. So you’re coming home with me. Now, about payback.”
“There has to be somewhere else. I just don’t feel like getting killed today, you know? Surely you must see the benefits of me being alive long enough for you to collect your payback.”
Her fear amused him. “Well, you’re not going to die, so calm down. My Archon is not the kinda woman to get huffy about a rogue, and no doubt, you’re coming close to your change. The compound woods are the best in the state. As for my payback, bailing you out cost me five hundred bucks cash, so I think I have figured out exactly how you’re going to pay me back. Seeing as you got me all worked up with nowhere to go, for the next month, you’re my new fuck toy.” He smirked at her and lit up a cigarette, inhaling the thick, acrid smoke into his lungs.
She frowned. “I don’t know. I mean, you’ve caused me a lot of stress. The whole thing is kind of your fault. If you hadn’t approached me, I wouldn’t have lost track of the drunk with the pickup, and then I’d already be outta town. Instead of being in this shit hole town, rotting in some jail. Plus a month is pretty steep. It was five hundred bucks. You couldn’t get a good hooker for an hour with that, let alone a month. I’m all about paying off my debt, but a month? At your little compound thing? With others?” She shuddered. “I don’t think so.”
He smirked and moved closer. “Fine. Then gimme my five hundred bucks, and we’ll call it even.”
She glared at him. “Do I even look like a fuck toy to you?” she snapped angrily.
He laughed. “Yes, you do. A super sensitive, extremely limber and willing fuck toy, which will make it all the better.” He moved closer to her and breathed on her neck. “And I know the idea turns you on, Carmen. I can smell it.”
She swallowed hard then stepped back, her jaw clenched stubbornly. “And if I say no? What will you do then? Throw me over your shoulder? It’s hardly apt, and we’re not discussing what turns me on or off. We’re talking a month of slavery.”
“Like you’re going to say no,” he scoffed. “What else do you have to do? Honestly? It doesn’t matter, Carmen. You’re mine for the month, unless you got five hundred bucks. So let’s get to the compound and my suite. We have some unfinished business, don’t you agree? And trust me, Pet. I guarantee you’ll enjoy it. Every minute.” He took another drag then flicked it out of the window.
“I have things to do.” She frowned, opening her mouth then closing it, clearly thinking.
“They are just going to have to be pushed back. You’re committed for the next month.” He smirked, still waiting for her answer before he told her good news about the nest.
“I suppose…but don’t expect me to be happy about the whole thing. I’m going to cause you so much trouble.”
“God, I hope so. It wouldn’t be fun otherwise. And you really don’t have to worry about the nest, Pet. Everyone but Remy and his mate is away in the Hamptons for the next month and a half. Andy, our resident country club snob is in the regatta there each year. So it’s just us,” he said as she buckled in. He peeled out of the parking lot, blazing up Main Street
“Really? Well, that can’t be a good idea, leaving you around unsupervised. Fuck knows what you’ll bring home.” She laughed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“No one said I was the bad influence, though I think I have been called bad on occasion. Lord knows Chrissy thinks I’m a fuck head. But let’s not talk about it now. How close are you to your change?”
“Pretty close, I guess.” She turned from him to watch out the window.
He shook his head and drove through the streets, thinking of the sordid things he was going to do to her pert young body once he got her ensconced in his suite. She might be stubborn about everything, but after the little scene in Dry Ice, he knew she was completely interested, and he was going to love breaking her. “So? Do you always not wear underwear?”
“Pretty much. Do you always strong arm women into sleeping with you? Or am I just lucky?”
“If I’m not mistaken, I didn’t strong arm anything, I merely came on to you at the club.”
“So, is that a no? Not that I imagine you to have much problem filling your bed. I bet you have them queuing up.”
“I could say the same for you, Pet.” He smirked and rounded the corner onto the road that would take them to the compound driveway, speeding profusely.
“Relationships don’t interest me unless their wallet’s fat enough then I might stay for a while, before clearing it out. We here?”
He liked her style. A woman who only wanted her kicks was the kinda woman for him. So she liked it material? He could do that, as long as she was a good little girl. They had hit the gate, and Reece pushed the side button. The gates swung open as he roared up the mile-long drive. The evergreens on either side were thick and hid the house and the lights from the street. He smirked at her. “So no underwear then. What about a bra?”
“I’m not wearing one at the moment, but this jacket is pretty supportive. You gonna check my teeth next? Or ask about my feeding habits?”
He ignored her. “Unzip the jacket, Pet. Show me.” His voice was amused as he slowed down, intent on getting this little scene started.
She did as he asked without complaint, her hands slowly unzipping the jacket to leave her breasts out to his view. Her eyes never left his face. “Like this? Should I call you Master? Or Reece? Or Master Reece?” She sucked on her lip suggestively.
“As sexy as Master Reece sounds, just Reece.” He slowed to a stop and put the car in park, turning to her. The shirt she wore was still moulded to her breasts, her nipples peaking a bit, and he licked his lips. “Lift the shirt.”
“I don’t know. I like the sound of Master Reece. Does it annoy you?” She shrugged out of her jacket and pulled her shirt over her head, throwing it at him before slipping the jacket back on, still leaving her breasts exposed to him.
“Master Reece it is then, Pet.” He took in her body, perfect breasts framed by the leather of her jacket, and his cock ached in the prison of his jeans. He smiled. “Perfect. Now let’s see what they taste like.” He moved closer and captured a pert nipple in his hot mouth, rolling it to a fleshy pebble.
She swallowed hard, leaning into him with a groan. “Are they to your satisfaction?”
He pulled away and smirked. “Top shelf. You’d taste even better drenched in tequila.”
“Then we should certainly find a bottle, don’t you think?”
“It’s on my list.” He pulled back and started the car moving again, grinning wolfishly. God, this is going to be fun. A sexy snake to play with for the month, will do anything I want, calls me Master. So fucking hot, too. Tonight really must be my lucky night.
They pulled up to the house, and he shut off the engine, letting her take in the sprawling mansion, the stone facade and the large ornate serpent motif fountain in the centre of the front court.
“Wow… One hell of a place.” She looked up in awe. “Life really does treat your kind well. How many room
s does this place have?”
“Our kind, Pet, and I think there are fifteen bedrooms, not counting the third floor.”
“No, I’m not like you.” She turned to him. “Why don’t you include the third floor?”
“You’re a snake, Carmen, so you are like me. Third floor is the Archon and her mate’s suites, if the Archon had a mate that is. So one suite stands empty.”
“I may be a snake, but I’m not a nest snake, Reece. I’m just a rogue.”
He shrugged. “By choice, I’m sure. So, shall we go in? I’m itching to explore the rest of you.”
“Well, I have no real desire to be locked in a cupboard producing babies.” She screwed up her face. “You nest types are all weird.” She shook her head. “We may, as well. After you, Master.”
He laughed. “A cupboard? You’ve got some strange notions, sexy. And no, I insist. I wanna see that perfect ass of yours as we mount the stairs.” He held the front door open for her, hitting the keypad next to it quickly, engaging the four-minute delay.
She rolled her eyes then walked ahead of him. “Which way we going?”
He was quickly through the door and behind her, his hand on her ass. “Second landing to the right, last room on the left.” They walked up the stairs, his hand on her ass the entire time.
Minutes later, they were at his door. “There better be tequila at the other side of this door, or I’m not going to be pleased. Where are the other two you mentioned?”
“Remy and his mate are on the far end. She’s about eight months along, and he’s doting on her like a fool.” He opened his door and she stepped in as he came up behind her. Kicking his door closed, he grabbed her naked breasts in his hands, squeezing mildly, and nipped at her neck where it peeked through her thick silky hair.
“Eight months? It’s a dangerous time.” She stepped in close to him, grasping the bottom of his shirt and tugging on it. “So, you have me here, Master Reece.” Her lips curved in a teasing smile.
“And you’re not leaving, either.” He took his hands off her breasts and quickly pulled off her jacket, his hands going to the button on her leathers. “Still interested in fucking ‘til dawn?” he murmured as she turned and got his shirt over his head. He grinned at her face in the low light of the sconces in the room.
Chapter Two
She watched in fascination as his muscles rippled in front of her. “Oh, I’m way past interested. You still not gonna stop ‘til I’m passed out in exhaustion?”
“Well, the dawn won’t stop me. That’s for damn sure.” He kissed her and kept working at her pants.
“Wonderful.” His skin was silky smooth against her lips and tongue as she returned his kiss, letting him do as he pleased. “So how do you see this whole sex slave thing going for you? I just do what you say when you say it as you fuck me any time, any way?” She nuzzled his neck, inhaling his sweet scent.
“Fuck toy, Pet, not sex slave. I’m not collaring you.”
“And the difference would be?”
“The collar.” He peeled the leather pants off her hips and went to his knees. Grabbing her around her thighs, he lifted her as he stood, his face parallel with her very wet and waiting pussy. “Nice landing strip, Pet.”
Her balance was off, and he was the only thing keeping her from falling. “I figured you might like that,” she said, trying to keep just how much he affected her from her voice. “So I don’t get a pretty collar? You’d think after a month the least you could do is get me a shiny bauble.” Her voice was teasing.
“Baubles? Fine. Collar? Maybe.” He moved her legs open a bit more and licked a thick line up her, ending at her clit, which he sucked in his mouth. He stood at his full height and turned so she was against the wall, her legs over his shoulders. He sucked and bit gently, slipping his tongue inside her, slurping out her juices. “God, you’re delicious,” he said, his breath cool on her flesh.
She threw back her head. He might be an arrogant prick, but by God he knew just how to work a woman. Her hands went to his head, giving her some element of control as he suckled sweetly on her. “Oh fuck! God, you feel good.”
He chuckled and played on her clit, nipping and sucking harder, fuelled by her whimpers.
The orgasm crept up along her spine, exploding through her, causing stars to dance on the edge of her vision. Her nails dug deep into his scalp as she twisted and writhed in his grasp.
He groaned and stuck his tongue into her again.
“Goddess,” he whispered as he moved his head back to look up at her, his eyes amber with lust, slowly bleeding to his snake gaze.
She matched his gaze with her own set of snake eyes, a dark brown with a barely visible slit pupil. “That was fun.”
“I’m just getting started, baby.” He quickly pulled her off his shoulders and set her down, watching her legs wobble. He scooped her up, carrying her to the overlarge bed. He laid her on the bed then crawled up her, using his hands to open her thighs so he could be between them again. He held a hand around his shaft. “You want this?”
She nodded, slowly licking her lips. Her body tingled with anticipation. “Yes.”
He gave her a very male smile and leaned forward, grasping her hips. Driving into her, he hissed, “Fuck, baby, you’re tight.”
She hissed as he stretched her almost painfully. “Um, fuck… I think it’s more you than me. If you know how to use that thing then we’re in for quite a night, snake.”
He smirked and growled, lifting her hips and fucking her from a high angle fast and hard, her cum coating him.
So, it’s true what they say about anacondas, she thought wryly as he viciously pumped in and out of her. He was huge, easily the largest she’d ever had. She’d felt him as they’d danced and again when they’d been kissing, but she hadn’t been prepared for this. He was so deep, she could feel him at exactly the right angle, hitting everywhere he should. Her hands clawed at him, pulling him even deeper. She needed more. All of it. She moaned as he slipped in and out of her sopping, willing flesh, and all she could do was beg for more.
“That’s right, bitch. Like that? So wet…so fucking tight. All mine…look at those breasts bouncing. You can’t get enough of it, can you? Such a slut, you’ll do anything won’t you? Don’t you dare come ‘til I tell you!” He slapped her thigh once, twice, three times. “You hear me, bitch? Don’t you dare come ‘til your master says to.”
His harsh treatment only served to spur her on more. Her body screamed at her to come. Every bunched up muscle painfully begged for release. She cried out, biting at her bottom lip. The pain helped to hold her composure as the pleasure mounted inside. He pounded deeper inside of her quivering body, forcing a strangled cry to escape her throat every time he hit home.
“Like that bitch? That’s it…fuck…” Not breaking his rhythm, he reached up and pinched her nipple hard, knowing she was a quivering mess. “Don’t come.”
The stars from earlier danced violently across her scope of vision, and she could feel herself dangerously close to blacking out. She gasped at the air, trying to hold her body in check. The sensations he caused were cutting off all coherent thought.
He laughed and leaned in, his eyes fully snake and grinned. “Come, bitch. Give it to me.” He fucked her harder and dug his fingers into her hips, spilling himself into her and grunting.
She let go, her body cresting over itself as the tension contracted and released in wave after wave of ecstasy. Her body writhed against his as her screams emptied her lungs of air. She lay twitching and gulping down air.
He smiled and licked a line from her nipple up to her collarbone then behind her ear. “You taste so fucking good,” he murmured, his cock still deep inside her. “Such a good girl.”
She shuddered and contracted tightly around him. “Fuck. So dawn, huh?” she asked shakily, not sure if she’d ever have a hope in hell of making it that long. The thought of another such encounter, while highly arousing, did cause a hint of fear in her. He was masterful and
experienced. While she was hardly a novice, she knew she was nowhere near his league. She was beginning to get the feeling she had bitten off more than she could chew, and as a snake, Carmen could dislocate her jaw.
“Think you can’t handle it? I’ll let it slide just this once, Carmen. I would hate to have you incapacitated for a few days. Maybe, I’ll let you sleep. We’ll take this up tomorrow. I happen to be quite a generous guy.”
Her eyes shut gratefully, and she smiled. “It has been a long day. I was in jail, you know,” she said sleepily.
“Rest, Sweets. You got a long day ahead of you tomorrow.” He slipped out of her and moved to the other side of the bed.
She curled up into a little ball on her side, sleep tugging at her. Her small body wiggled over the bed, moving closer to him so that her back touched his. The warmth of his body spread to hers, and she smiled at the feeling. It had been so long since she’d shared body heat with anyone. “Night,” she said quietly before sleep won her over.
Chapter Three
Reece was comfortable, wrapped around a small warm thing in his large bed, feeling completely at ease. The scent that surrounded him was floral, gardenias and springtime. He inhaled greedily. It was when he moved his mouth and found himself kissing a petite shoulder that he came out of his waking. He opened his eyes to see himself curled around the woman he’d brought home the night before, the woman who was his for the next month.
The situation was a good one. He’d bailed her out, gotten the Ducati back, and gotten a sweet little piece to warm his bed and play with. The money didn’t mean a thing to him, but for the purpose it served, he’d gladly do it twice over. She was fantastic, her body perfect and sexy, and she was such a good little slave. She listened so well. They would have fun this month, and when it was over, she’d take her ass off wherever she wanted to go next and he’d go back to his normal routine. It was the best deal he’d ever come up with, and he was indeed patting himself on the back.